

With Bian;
卞随 双语例句

1. 卞随也不愿意推荐,推辞地说:「不知道。
    Bian Shui unwilling to recommend the eligible man to him either, he said.

2. 汤在制定谋反目标后,想找卞随筹划详细的战略方案。
    After setting the goal of uprising, Tang tried to discuss with Bian Shui about the uprising strategy.

3. 卞随的近义词

3. 卞随对这项行动不是那么赞同,因此推辞不就。汤说:「那你认为谁能胜任呢?
    Bian Shui, however, didn`t agree the action completely, so he declined to join the uprising plan.

4. 作者:梅炯,王先辉,张晓庆,吴社华,卞随冬,俞光荣,马仁治,蔡宣松作者单位:同济大学附属同济医院骨科,上海 200065
    Department of Orthopaedics, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, Shanghai 200065, China