

On one's own ground;
卧榻之侧 双语例句

1. 卧榻之侧

1. 美国人的思维是地地道道的虎的思维:卧榻之侧,岂容他人酣睡!
    American thinking is the thinking: Tiger out and would side How can we allow others to sleep soundly!

2. 卧榻之侧的反义词

2. 尽管对奥尼尔的表现有过回击,但霍华德认为这一次最为严重:卧榻之侧,岂容他人安睡?但现在自己最大的竞争对手之一已悄然侵入了自己的地盘,要来争夺东部的至尊宝座了。
    There is a lot of showmanship to O'Neal's act, but Howard understands this much is serious: One of his biggest rivals now resides in his division, playing for one of the East's top contenders.

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3. 即使这样,我们也无法长期生存,因为人家的卧榻之侧,容不得我们安睡。
    When visiting metin2 yang IGN. com from either the UK or Australia, the site automatically redirects

4. 卧榻之侧在线翻译

4. 本来 美国如果进入亚洲对鸟盟来说是最坏的结局。只要日本开门,鸟盟会两高铁全失,而且强敌在卧榻之侧,后果让鸟盟无法控制。
    Three days ago, the President of Japan issued an ultimatum to the Phoenix Alliance: restore all regions, except Heilongjiang, to China or else he will retreat Kyushu to the United States and allow EDEN and the Allied forces a pathway to Asia in order to liberate them from the oppression of Phoenix.