1. 一阵短暂的间隙过后,又是一道悚目惊心的闪光,把黑夜照得亮如白昼,他们脚下的小草也历历可辨;同时,三张惨白、惊惧的脸也毕露无遗。
There was a pause. Now a weird flash turned night into day and showed every little grass-blade, separate and distinct, that grew about their feet.
2. 历历可辨什么意思
2. 一阵短暂的间隙过后,又是一道悚目惊心的闪光,把黑夜照得亮如白昼,他们脚下的小草也历历可辨;同时,三张惨白、惊惧的脸也毕露无遗。
There was a pause. Now a weird flash turned night into day and showed every little grassblade, separate and distinct, that grew about their feet. And it showed three white, startled faces, too.