1. 她是一个专业的面包师和点心师,她做出来的动物小糖果会使整个黎明飘散着一股厚墩墩的芳香味。
This was the realm of the women who lived or served in the house, and they
2. 厚墩墩
2. 她是一个专业的面包师和点心师,她做出来的动物小糖果会使整个黎明飘散着一股厚墩墩的芳香味。
This was the realm of the women who lived or served in the house, and they sang in a chorus with my grandmother as they helped her in her many tasks.
3. 此地人自古不爱去饭馆,因为传统的苏格兰食物多是家常烹饪,满满一碗燕麦肉汤,一片厚墩墩的苏格兰牛腰肉,配上马铃薯泥和蔬菜,最后再上一只淋满奶油的苹果布丁,这。。。
Since ancient times, people here do not like go to a restaurant, because the more traditional Scottish food is home-style cooking, a bowl full of oatmeal broth, a thick Scottish sirloin steak, accompanied by mashed potatoes and vegetables, and finally, on a cream filled apple butter pudding, which...
4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
4. 达尔生皱紧了那厚墩墩的前额。
Dalleson knitted his heavy forehead.