又作别论[yòu zuò bié lùn]
another thing; an exception
1. 除非是有背景,有很多人会帮助,那又作别论。
However, if he knows the right people, it could be a different case.
2. 又作别论
2. 不为豪威尔斯所容的德莱塞,则又作别论了。
But dreiser, whom Howells could not stomach, was another matter.
3. 又作别论
3. 豪威尔斯是完全清楚巴特勒的短处的。不为豪威尔斯所容的德莱塞,则又作别论了。
Howells is fully aware of Bartley's failings. But Dreiser, whom Howells could not stomach, was another matter.