1. seperate course:rifle 步枪 | seperate course叉道 | ski bag 滑雪袋
2. access road:层叠面团/puff paste;puff pastry | 叉道/access road | 叉状舌/forked tongue
3. cutoff:并排停车 double parking | 叉道 cutoff | 长程运输 long distance transport
1. 叉道的反义词
1. 终于到了要在干道中找出正确的叉道的时候。
It was the time of the day when you have to spot the right turnoff from the main road.
2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
2. 他拐入了叉道。
He turned off into a side road.
3. 我作出了一连串正确的判断,看样子越来越接近正确的叉道了。我的推测终于被证实。
I made a series of correct guesses as to which turnoffs were not the right way, and then came to what looked like a good prospect for the correct turnoff.
4. 在与Bella协会相同的路上走了一段适当的距离,就有一条叉道通向东面的一条小路。
At about the correct distance down the road I had in common with the Bellas cyclists was a turnoff for a small lane east.
5. 叉道的近义词
5. 由于叉道的不断变迁,在三角洲上往往形成许多交错的滨河床沙堤及湖沼洼地。
Fork Road as a result of ever-changing, often in the delta formed Binhe staggered sand bed and limnology depression.
6. 叉道是什么意思
6. 在新浏河沙以下,倒灌盐水通过南、北港分叉区域的几个叉道分别进入南港和北港。
At the lower reaches to the New Liuhe Sand, the spilled water mass enters into the South and the North Channels through several waterways around the bifurcation, respectively.
7. K<1时,海岸地貌演变的水动力以潮汐作用为主,落潮三角洲、潮汐叉道较发育;
When K < 1.0, physical processes are dominated by tides and coasts tend to develop short, drumstick-shape barrier with well-developed ebb deltas and inlets.
8. 叉道的意思
8. 地址是塔科马一个工业区附近一条叉道。
The address was on a side street near an industrial section of tacoma.