

双职工[shuāng zhí gōng]

词典man and wife both at work双职工。

词典working couple一起工作的夫妻;双职工。

词典employed couple双职工。

双职工 汉英大词典

双职工[shuāng zhí gōng]

man and wife both at work; working couple; employed couple:


    two-job family; two-income family

双职工 网络解释

1. working couple:Who's Who 名人录 | working couple 双职工 | wreckage 残骸

2. man and wife both at work; working couple:? 双赢局面 win-win situation | ? 双职工 man and wife both at work; working couple | ? <<水浒传>> Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins

3. 双职工什么意思

3. working couple; man and wife both at work:双增双节two increases and two reductions | 双职工working couple; man and wife both at work | 双向三车道dual three-lane carriageway

4. 双职工的翻译

4. dual career couples:dual aspectism 双相论 | dual career couples 双职工 | dual coding hypothesis 双重编码说