



Shuangyashan City[地名] [中国] 双鸭山市。

双鸭山市 网络解释

1. SYS:鹤岗市 HEG | 双鸭山市 SYS | 大庆市 DQG

2. shysh:'97' : '鹤岗市,hegang', | '98' : '双鸭山市,shysh', | '99' : '大庆市,daqing',

双鸭山市 双语例句

1. 于二零零八年六月,本集团与黑龙江省双鸭山市集贤县人民政府签订意向协议书,于未来三年内在当地建设总投资达人民币 7,800,000,000元的煤基尿素项目。
    In June 2008, the Group signed a letter of intent with The Peoples` Government of Jixian County, Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang Province regarding investing RMB7, 800, 000, 000 in a coal-based urea project over the period of three years.

2. 於二零零八年六月,本集团与黑龙江省双鸭山市集贤县人民政府签订意向协议书,於未来三年内在当地建设总投资达人民币 7,800,000,000 元的煤基尿素项目。
    In June 2008, the Group signed a letter of intent with The Peoples` Government of Jixian County, Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang Province

3. 双鸭山市是什么意思

3. 双鸭山市体育事业,在市委、市政府正确领导和高度重视下,突出打造群众体育系列化、品牌化,努力实现全民健身活动科学化、法制化、生活化,群众体育活动市民参与面不断扩大,促进了社会的和谐、市民的健康、增添了活力。
    Shuangyashan City sports careers in municipal government, under the correct leadership and attach great importance to highlight to create mass sports series, brand, and strive to achieve universal fitness activities, scientific, legal and daily life, people face growing public participation in sports activities, promote social harmony, public health, more vital.

4. 双鸭山市

4. 记者从黑龙江省双鸭山市政府部门获悉,国家发展和改革委员会近日正式核准批复了鲁能宝清煤电化开发有限公司1100万吨露天煤矿项目。
    000 Tons open-cut coal mine project.

5. 双鸭山市

5. 本中心是由全国科教兴农先进个人标兵、黑龙江省首届十大杰出青年——绿色创业者,双鸭山市第四批专业技术拔尖人才顾长军同志创办的。
    The Center is an advanced agriculture through science and education by the National Personal pacesetter, Heilongjiang Province, the first Ten Outstanding Young Persons - green entrepreneur, professional and technical Shuangyashan City, the fourth installment of top-notch talent Comrade Gu Chang-jun founded.

6. 本文从五个方面对双鸭山市的畜牧业发展问题进行了系统而深入的研究。
    This article systematically and thoroughly studied the problems of the Animal Husbandry development in Shuangyashan city from five aspects.

7. 选取双鸭山市羊鼻山铁矿、汤原县东风山铁矿作为典型矿床进行研究。
    We Select Shuangyashan City Yangbi hill ironore, Tangyuan county east hill iron ore as typical ore deposit.

8. 这都与双鸭山市煤炭资源的优势地位十分不符的。
    This Shuangyashan coal resources with the advantage of position is very inconsistent.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 首先,分析了双鸭山市的经济发展状况,并利用灰色理论的方法分析了各经济产值与双鸭山市经济总产值的关联程度。
    First, the author analyzed the economic development of Shuangyashan city and analyzed the relations between every economic output value and the total economic output value by using the method of the Grey Theory.

10. 双鸭山市是以生产煤炭为主的资源型城市,生态景观特色明显,矿产、植被、耕地资源丰富,该地区生态环境复合多样,土地利用方式种类繁多。
    The ecological landscape feature is clear, and it is rich in the minerals, vegetation, and land resources. The region environment is complex diversity, and there is a variety of land use patterns.

11. 谈双鸭山市气象特征及地形特征对空气质量的影响
      Influence on Weather Characteristics and Geography Characteristics of Shuangyashan to the Air Quality

12. 双鸭山市地下水资源开发利用现状及远期供水对策
      Present Situation on Exploitation and Application of Underground Water Resources and Future Countermeasures of Water Supply in Shuangyashan City

13. 双鸭山市的近义词

13. 以双鸭山市饶河县四排赫哲族自治乡四排赫哲族村为调查点,深入考察了这一地区的族际婚姻状况,并针对这一地区的高族际通婚率进行了详细的分析。
      We select Si Pai He Zhe Nationality Village to carry out our investigation, and see about the cross-race-intermarriage, make a detailed analysis of the high rate of cross-race-intermarriage.

14. 双鸭山市在线翻译

14. 以双鸭山市为例,探讨了GPS高程拟合在山区的应用,着重论述了双鸭山市高程异常模型建立的数学模型、工程概况、建设成果及精度。
      The paper probes into the application of GPS surveying height result in hill district as the city of Shuangyashan, chiefly discusses the mathematics model, project general situation, building result and precision.

15. 双鸭山市的翻译

15. 双鸭山市有着悠久的采矿历史,在人们享受矿产资源带来的优势的同时,矿山地质灾害也同样困扰着当地的人们。
      Shuangyashan City has a long history of mining, while people enjoy the benefits of mineral resources, mining and geological disasters are also plagued by local people.

16. 双鸭山市

16. 双鸭山市加快资源型城市转型步伐
      Accelerating transformation in a resources city: Shuangyashan City

17. 双鸭山市的近义词

17. 因此文中指出,治理安帮河污染已是刻不容缓,否则双鸭山市将成为缺水城市。
      So the paper indicated that prevention and cure on water quality pollution of Anbang river brook no delay, otherwise Shuangyiashan will become water lacking city.