1. 这是我第一次独自开车上路,心里特发憷!
I am nervous because this is the first time I drive alone.
2. 发憷的近义词
2. 我大概和别人一样心里发憷,不过心底我却感觉很好。
I was probably just as scared as everyone else, but inside I never felt better.
3. 发憷的反义词
3. 经历和新的领袖才能的增长,很明显,目前的科比更让人发憷,更加致命。
Factor in his experience and new leadership skills and it`s obvious which Kobe Bryant is more deadly.
4. 从前对作文特不怕,现在却有点发憷,是到了"知道自己不知道"的境界了么?
For myself the period has passed, I like to and have to choose the first one
5. 想到又要见他,她就感到有些发憷。
She felt some apprehension at the thought of seeing him again.
6. 发憷在线翻译
6. 我有点儿发憷。
I feel a little timid.
7. 你主持的家庭中有民主气息么?家里有书么?有那种一般敏感的人看了不会发憷的画么?
Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering?
8. 负责这些事情的卡洛尔·佩德森,每年都为我们做着这件令人发憷的工作,我感谢她。
6634 To give you special help. Carol Pedersen, who handles these matters, does a terrific job for us each year, and I thank her for it.
9. 发憷的反义词
9. 初次上台,新演员总有点儿发憷。
New actors are invariably keyed up for their first stage appearance.
10. 对于主教来说,要迁往布拉格有点儿令人发憷。
The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop
11. 发憷
11. 而现在的麻烦是即使中国不再靠净出口拉动增长,中国与美国及欧洲之间的贸易顺差依然大的令人发憷。
The snag is that even if net exports were no longer contributing to china's growth, its trade surpluses with America and Europe would continue to loom embarrassingly large.
12. danci.911cha.com
12. 投资新市场或许令人发憷,而且最后往往都是拥有本土经验、本土关系和行业知识的本土投资者胜出。
It can be scary to invest in a new market and, when this happens, ; local investors with local knowledge, local relationships and deep industry knowledge tend to win.
13. danci.911cha.com
13. 投资新市场或许令人发憷,而且最后往往都是拥有本土经验、本土关系和行业知识的本土投资者胜出。
It can be scary to invest in a new market and, when this happens,; local investors with local knowledge, local relationships and deep industry knowledge tend to win.