

发酒疯[fā jiǔ fēng]


词典be roaring drunk发酒疯。

词典be in a drunken fit发酒疯。

词典be in drunken brawls发酒疯。

发酒疯 汉英大词典

发酒疯[fā jiǔ fēng]

be roaring drunk; be in a drunken fit; be in drunken brawls

发酒疯 网络解释

1. see snakes:19. rule the roost 支配一切 | 20. see snakes 发酒疯 | 21. swan song 最后的杰作

2. in a drunken fury:怒气冲冲地 in a burst of anger | 发酒疯 in a drunken fury | 一怒之下 in a fury

发酒疯 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 是我们的朋友华特,他喝多了结果就开始发酒疯
    Our friend Walter, he got drunk One thing led to another...

2. 发酒疯的解释

2. 如果我说错了,你是那种喝点酒就会发酒疯的人,那就呆在家里吧。
    Christmas parties are one of the few social obligations left in life.

3. 我那未婚的30岁的女儿具有酗酒并且发酒疯的毛病,在去年更加变本加厉。
    My unmarried 30-year-old daughter has a drinking and behavioral problem that has escalate d over the past year.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 他喝酒唱歌然后就开始发酒疯
    He drinks, and he sings and just loses his shit.

5. 发酒疯

5. 当然,酒精的效果不只一种,例如酒精也会破坏人的自制力,我们很难在发酒疯事件中理出头绪,找出哪一种酒精效果才是最重大的因素。
    Of course, alcohol has myriad effects, such as impairing self-control, and it is hard to know which is the biggest factor in drunken rampages.

6. 例句但我们现在只听说许多人躺着~,却很少见有人象外国水兵似的满街发酒疯
    Blow a cloud -- to smoke opium; blow clouds; inhale clouds and exhale mist; opiumsmoking; smoke; smoke tobacco; swallow clouds and blow fogs

7. 发酒疯

7. 他两三天来狂饮威士忌,别人说他现在发酒疯。因公殉职,阵亡,战死,暴卒
    He's been pretty high on whisky for two or three days…and they say he's got snakes in his boots now.

8. 你怎么喝得烂醉还发酒疯
    Why are you so drunk and crazy?

9. 你让她喝醉酒,发酒疯,胡说八道。
    You got her drunk and mad to say that.

10. 以防他哪天发酒疯的时候大电话给你。
    Just in case he calls you in one of his drunken rages.

11. 发酒疯是什么意思

11. 我说他的天堂是半死不活的;他说我的天堂是发酒疯;我说我在他的天堂里一定要睡着的;他说他在我的天堂里就要喘不过气来,于是他开始变得非常暴躁。
      I said his heaven would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine, and began to grow very snappish.