


词典post a bail and await trial with stricted liberty of moving[法]取保候审。

取保候审 网络解释

1. the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving:区县检察院 grassroots People's Procuratorate | 取保候审 the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving | 缺席判决 default judgement

2. post a bail and await trial with restricted liberty of moving:情节严重、构成犯罪的 when the circumstances are so serious as to consti... | 取保候审 post a bail and await trial with restricted liberty of moving | 扰乱公共场所秩序罪 crime of disturbing order at publ...

3. danci.911cha.com

3. obtain a guarantor pending trial:衢州市 (-:-) Quzhou Municipality | 取保候审 (-:-) obtain a guarantor pending trial | 取得 (-:-) procurement

4. guaranteed pending trial:辩论式审判:adversary trial | 取保候审:guaranteed pending trial | 审前程序:Pre-trial procedure