

Pocket array;
口袋阵 双语例句

1. 口袋阵在线翻译

1. 当战斗发生在波士顿周边的农田里时,我们可以使用森林作为埋伏地点,把敌人引进难以逃生的口袋阵中。
    When fighting in the farmland around Boston, we used the natural woods as an ambush point, trapping the enemy in a horseshoe of death.

2. 发出登陆命令后,黄区长官黄金龙立即带领身边几架近卫星际飞行器,编入了第二星际战斗小组,此时根据黄区长官黄金龙的最后命令,每一万架为一小组的星际飞行器编队,纷纷开始进行星际椭圆形重新编队,只见一圈圈间隔上万公里的椭圆形星际编队依次展开,就像一朵朵依次盛开的星际莲花,一组组整齐地布置在小行星即将划过的轨道上,每个椭圆形圈几乎都和这颗骷髅形小行星一般大小,因为只有这样才能同时释放飞船锚链,以便同时进行强行勾挂登陆,而不至于发生混乱;200个巨大的椭圆形星际飞行器编队小组,此时就像一个巨大的连环口袋阵一样,等待着把这颗万恶的小行星,紧紧缠住并将它彻底的征服!
    After sends out the debarkation order, Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong immediately leads side several guard starship, has enrolled the second interspace small battle group, this time acts according to Huang Qu the senior official yellow Jinlong's last-minute order, every 10, 000 are a group's starship formation, starts to carry on the interspace ellipse re-form in abundance, sees only a circle gap up to ten thousand kilometer ellipse interspace formation to launch in turn, looks like the interspace lotus flower which is in full bloom in turn, group of groups arrange neatly on the planetoid soon has delimited the track, each ellipse circle nearly all and this skeleton shape planetoid general size, because only then can simultaneously release the airship anchor chain like thisIn order to simultaneously carry on involves the debarkation forcefully, but as for does not occur chaotic; 200 huge ellipse starship formation group, this time looks like a giant series pocket dissimilarity, was waiting for this extremely evil planetoid, closely ties down and its thorough conquer!