

Pregnant with meaning;
口齿生香 双语例句

1. 组织技术专家攻关,一改传统烧烤制作工艺粗糙、污染严重、用料简单、口味单一的缺点,不但突出了鱼和肉的鲜香,还具有独特的焦香味和浓郁的料香味,食后回味元穷、口齿生香、百吃不厌、欲罢不能,吃了还想吃。
    Organizations, technical experts research, he changed the production process of traditional barbecue rough, cause serious pollution, the use of materials simple and shortcomings of a single taste, not only highlights the delicious fish and meat, but also has a unique flavor and rich materials Coke flavor, aftertaste after eating Yuan poor, articulate health incense, 100 eating tire, let them go, to eat and you still want to eat.