1. 只消出现一条裂缝,爆裂一个阀门,他这条命就会给涌进来的海水收拾掉。
One opened seam, one blown valve, and his life would be choked out by flooding salt water.
2. danci.911cha.com
2. 只消 出现一条裂缝,爆裂一个阀门,他这条命就会给涌进来的海水收拾掉。
One op ed seam, one blown valve, and his life would be choked out by flooding salt water.
3. 麻烦的是只消发现一条小虫,他就拿起杀虫剂喷雾器满屋喷洒不止。
Or trim my nasal hair. The one thing that bothered me was the way he
4. 只消是什么意思
4. 然而无产者,只消叫他们意识到自己的力量,就根本用不着什么地下活动。
But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire
5. 只消的解释
5. 倘若帕奎奥真想和我打一场,他只消开开口。
If Manny Pacquiao really wanted a fight with me, all he got to do is say it.
6. 这双手没有死,他只消把它们开合一下,就能感到生之痛楚。
They were not dead and he could bring the pain of life by s imply opening and closing them.
7. 在他那有限的见解看来,一只可怖的大鲸不过是一种大点儿的老鼠,或者最多算是一只水老鼠,只消略施小技,稍花时间,稍使力气就可以把它宰了烹了。
In his poor opinion, the wondrous whale was but a species of magnified mouse, or at least water-rat, requiring only a little circumvention and some small application of time and trouble in order to kill and boil
8. 只消
8. 如果你想等的话,只消几分钟就可以配好。
It`ll only take a few minutes if you want to wait.
9. 只消的解释
9. 不行,只消看一下就知道了,那对我祖母是不恰当的。
No way, just look at it. That's not appropriate for my grandmother.
10. 只消我说了什么错话,你肯定要指出来。
As long as I say anything wrong, you must point it out.
11. 有著著魔一般的无欢之青春呐喊,一整条路上布满了闪亮而危险的碎片,只消取一个碎片,小说家钟文音其实便可以另行发展出一段故事,繁殖出一部小说,只是《艳歌行》却无意於此,它只是展示著有如是生命碎片的装置艺术橱窗,我们被逼使去注视,注视自己曾经冻结在哪一块碎片中。
While reading the book, the reader could seemingly hear the frantic cry of these unhappy youth. Their path is full of glittering but dangerous broken pieces; if the writer took one piece out, she could develop another story, another novel. However the author does not intend to do that in Sumptuous Feasting Song. She only shows a series of broken pieces – the readers are made to look, and maybe they will find their own past frozen in one of the pieces.
12. 只消什么意思
12. 贫民区准备卖身的婆娘多而又多,有时只消一瓶杜松子酒,她便会卖了自个儿。
Some could even be purchased for a bottle of gin, which the proles were not supposed to drink.
13. 只消的近义词
13. 不,你错了。一点都不贵,你只消花一枚硬币就够了。
No, you're wrong. It wasn't expensive at all, it cost you only one coin!
14. 只消的反义词
14. 不,你错了。一点都不贵,你只消花一枚硬币就够了。
Joe: No, you're wrong. It wasn't expensive at all, it cost you only one coin!
15. 利用八月间的银行休假日,来回只消花上两先令六便士。
August bank holiday, only two and six return.
16. 你只消花5分钟,做做俯卧撑和跳跃运动,使心率加快,就能达到理想的效果;要么对着镜子冲拳100下,感受那种能量积蓄的过程。
Spending only 5 minutes doing press-ups and jumping to speed up the heart rate will have excellent effect; boxing 100 times in the mirror enables you to experience the process of energy accomulation.
17. 情到深处无怨尤,需用一辈子的光阴;情到浓时情转薄,只消一杯茶的光景。
It has nothing to do with you that I love you.
18. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
18. 有些只是橡皮植物,只消用一件破衬衣就可以很便当地掸去上面的尘土,一到晚上他们便急急忙忙没命地逃进宿舍里去了。
Some of them were just rubber plants easily dusted with a torn chemise. All of them jerking away for dear life in the dormitories as soon as night came on. The dormitories!
19. 从前当我比较快乐时,别人只消看看我的衣柜,一眼就会明白我并不是个污七八糟爱俏的女人。
When I was happy, it was only necessary to glance into my closets, and it would have been evident that I was not a coquettish and untidy woman
20. 只消的翻译
20. 从发现尸体的现场到小Peddy港只消10分钟车程。。。。。。
From the local we found Lary to the Peddy Jr. takes only 10 minutes car distance