

吃官司[chī guān si]

词典be sued吃官司。

吃官司 汉英大词典

吃官司[chī guān si]

be sued (in a court of law)

吃官司 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 汗…可能在国外吃官司、伤害赔偿非常非常贵,不外在国内要是闯了祸总患上赔不少钱
    We got pet insurance.

2. 一旦被版权人查到了很可能吃官司,如果查不到也就算了。
    Once a copyright owner is likely to be found in the legal action, if it just can not find out.

3. 吃官司的意思

3. 要是他们发现了,我们要吃官司的。
    And if they find it, we got a lawsuit.

4. 吃官司的反义词

4. 一个即将在法院吃官司被要求进行损失赔偿的殖民地居民。
    A colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the law courts.

5. 你不公正地给出贬低的评价可能会引来前任雇员的起诉;而向别人推荐在你这里表现极差的人同样也可能会让你吃官司
    A reference in which you are unfairly damning can result in a suit from the old employee; one where you recommend someone who did a terrible job for you can land you in court too.

6. 吃官司是什么意思

6. 除此以外,这种做法也是对自己的不尊敬,因为过去吃官司画供时才打叉子,这也就无疑是在否定自己,这也是不行的。
    In addition to this, this kind of way of doing is also to own of don't respect, because of eating lawsuit to sign affidavit in the past just beat fork, this also was doubtless negating oneself, this was also nothing doing.

7. 如果你还是那样胡闹下去,你是要吃官司的。
    If you behave in that way, you'll be had up.

8. 第一个错误是一开始就没有为了免吃官司而做好必要的计划。
    The first is a failure to do the planning necessary to avoid lawsuits in the first place.

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9. 为了不让那些文件使你吃官司
    He convinced them not to file charges against you.

10. 我们从树上跌落,皮开肉绽,折断四肢,打碎牙齿,但无人因此吃官司
    We tumbled down from the trees, cut ourselves, broke limbs, whilst knocking out teeth, but no one was sued after such accidents.