

吃老本[chī lǎo běn]


词典live off one's past gains [past glory]

词典live on one's fat吃老本。

词典rest on past achievements吃老本。

词典rest on one's laurels吃老本。

词典live on one's own fat吃老本。

吃老本 汉英大词典

吃老本[chī lǎo běn]

live off one's past gains [past glory]; live on one's fat; rest on past achievements; rest on one's laurels

吃老本 双语例句

1. 但是我们不能靠吃老本过日。
    But we cannot afford to depent on tradition alone.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 看来我们再也不能靠吃老本过曰子了。
    It seems that we can no longer afford to rest on our Laurels.

3. 吃老本

3. 不管你在做什么,别妄想你能够吃老本,势头要靠不间断的工作来保持。
    No matter what you are managing, do not assume you can glide by. Momentum is something you have to work at to maintain.

4. 我们要是没整天坐在这吃老本就好了。
    It would help if we didn't sit around all day drinking the stock.

5. 看来我们再也不能靠吃老本过日子了。
    It seems that we can no longer afford to rest on our laurels.

6. 他不做生意光吃老本
    He does no business but lives on his capital.

7. 吃老本的翻译

7. 但在我自己看来,我明显是在吃老本
    But to myself it was clear that I was living on capital.

8. 你应该继续努力学习而不能吃老本
    You should go on studying instead of resting on your laurels.

9. 要想让美好时光得以延续,各国领导层应该调整重点,不再吃老本,而是要为未来进行再投资。
    For the good times to continue, leaders should re-focus from spending the dividend to reinvesting for the future.

10. 不管你在做什么,别妄想你能够吃老本,势头要靠不间断的工作来保持。
    No matter what you're managing, don't assume you can glide by. Momentum is something you have to work at to maintain.

11. 兰德公司指出,没有证据表明美国正在吃老本
      There is little evidence that America is resting on its laurels, according to RAND.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 我们决不能够吃老本
      There is simply no way to rest on our past achievements.

13. 申请者也须是真正被裁的员工,而不是不想工作打算吃老本
      The CPF Board must be satisfied that the applicant has truly been retrenched by his employer, and not someone who chose to be retrenched because he does not feel like working.

14. 折旧管理上应重估原值,分类提取,改变运输设备吃老本的状况;
      Re-evaluating the original value and drawing by classification in depreciation management, and changing the situation of living off the past gains of the transportation facilities;