

各得其所[gè dé qí suǒ]

词典play their proper role各得其所。


词典Each gets his due.各得其所。

词典each in his own place各得其所。

词典Each one is in his proper place.各得其所。

各得其所 汉英大词典

各得其所[gè dé qí suǒ]

play their proper role; Each gets his due.; each in his own place; Each one is in his proper place.; Every man is in his humor.; Everyone enjoys his place.; Everyone has fallen into his right place.; Everyone is provided for.; Everyone should be properly p

各得其所 网络解释

1. be properly provided for:5. 骨肉分离 family separation | 6. 各得其所 be properly provided for | 7. 众议纷纭 disagree on

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Everything in Its Right Place:63.伤心事/A Great Grief | 64.各得其所/Everything in Its Right Place | 65.小鬼和小商人/The Goblin and the Huckster

3. 各得其所是什么意思

3. Everything in the Right Place:11) Delaying is not Forgetting 藏着并不等于遗忘 | 12) Everything in the Right Place 各得其所 | 13) Grandmother 祖母

4. Every one to his taste:81.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲. An idle youth, a needy age. | 82.各得其所Every one to his taste. | 83.棋逢敌手Diamond cut diamond.