

听见风就是雨[tīng jiàn fēng jiù shì yǔ]

词典Whenever one hears the wind, he thinks it is raining.

词典catch at shadows捕风捉影,徒劳;听见风就是雨;白费气力。

听见风就是雨 汉英大词典

听见风就是雨[tīng jiàn fēng jiù shì yǔ]

Whenever one hears the wind, he thinks it is raining.; catch at shadows

听见风就是雨 双语例句

1. 很多人,尤其是女人,过日子完全就是听见风就是雨
    A lot of people and women are particularly prone to this go through life without ever questioning what they`re told.

2. 很多人,尤其是女人,过日子完全就是听见风就是雨
    A lot of people – and women are particularly prone to this – go through life without ever questioning what they're told.