

Creak and groan;
吱吱咯咯 双语例句

1. 这时候电影里第一次出现了说话的声音,尽管是用他自己的语言,瓦力的词汇是由吱吱、咯咯、咕噜之类的电声组成的。
    Speaking voices are now heard for the first time in the movie, although all on his own, WALL-E has a vocabulary or repertory?

2. 这时候电影里第一次出现了说话的声音,尽管是用他自己的语言,瓦力的词汇是由吱吱、咯咯、咕噜之类的电声组成的。
    Speaking voices are now heard for the first time in the movie, although all on his own, WALLE has a vocabulary or repertory?

3. 昨天早上我坐在成都的书虫饭店时,地面开始摇晃,杯中的酒疯狂地旋转起来,房子在强大的压力下发出吱吱咯咯的响声。
    As I was sitting in Chengdu's Bookworm restaurant early yesterday the ground began to shake, drinks eddied wildly in glasses and there was a ticking sound as the building creaked under the strain

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4. 伯里斯坐下时,那张椅子发出吱吱咯咯的声响。
    The chair creaked as Boris sat down.

5. 唱片里有几首出众的歌曲,第四首Andrew巧妙地在吱吱咯咯的布鲁斯情歌和类似情绪硬核的风格毫不费力地来回跳转。
    There are a few standout tracks on the album, notably the fourth track Andrew which jumps capably between broken down blues ballad, to something resembling Emo and back again with surprising ease.

6. 我听到轻轻踏雪而行的咯咯吱吱的脚步声。
    I heard the pad and squeak of footsteps in the snow.

7. 我想我该给那扇门的铰链加些润滑油,使它不再吱吱咯咯地响。
    I think I'll oil the hinge of that door to stop it from creaking.

8. 我躺下来,听着丽莎收拾下铺弄出的吱吱咯咯的动静。
    I lie back, listening to the rustles and creaks of Lisa's preparations in the bunk below.