

吴亭 双语例句

1. 目前,我们正在研究一个更精确的脸部表情产生模式,以及一个让模型空间更为有效的系统方法,吴亭范说道。
    Currently, we are working on a more accurate facial expression generation model, as well as a systematic way to explore the model space efficiently, Wu said.

2. 吴亭的反义词

2. 人类脸部肌肉和皮肤之间的互动远比他们的机器人模型复杂,吴亭范说。
    The interactions between facial muscles and skin in humans are almost certainly more complex than their robotic model, Wu said.

3. 据我们所知,还没有其他任何研究团队运用了机器学习能力,让一个机器人产生真实的脸部表情,吴亭范说,他是加利福利亚大学圣地亚哥分校的一名计算机科学专业的研究生。
    As far as we know, no other research group has used machine learning to teach a robot to make realistic facial expressions, said Tingfan Wu, a computer science graduate student from the University of California, San Diego.

4. 蔡小华的女儿吴亭谊:「跟妈妈出来义诊的感觉很好,因为可以帮助别人。
    Because I can help other people.

5. 无论是在现实中还是在演艺圈中,人们最怕的就是自己被大家给误会成小三,因为这样不但会导致自己身败名裂,同时还会陷入到有口难辩的境界,吴亭欣就是这样的一个受害者,不过他为了给自己讨回清白,终于还是大胆的登上了沸点网络电视的荧幕,深情的陈述了自己被冤枉的始末,并且希望人们能够帮助他。
    Whether in reality or in the entertainment industry, people are most afraid of is that they have been all a misunderstanding as to the third, because it will not only lead to their own ruin, at the same time I would fall into the realm of难辩, Yan吴亭is one such victims, but he recovered to give their own innocence, and finally boarded the bold or the boiling point of the network television screens, a statement of deep feeling that they have been wrong the whole story and I hope people can help him.

6. 吴亭是什么意思

6. 吴亭欣甚有富豪缘,去年她被拍到与希慎集团后人利承武在街头连环亲嘴,争仔失败后即搭上标华集团太子张宏基,去年7月吴亭欣传出与有妇之夫冯潮泽拍拖,令她与张宏基关系触礁,但近日又出双入对。
    Wu Ting-yan very edge of Regal, last year she was photographed with Hysan Group profits later in the Cheng Wu Comic kiss on the street, between Aberdeen after the failure of S boarded Prince Edward Hung-Chi Chang Hua Group, in July last year, Wu Ting Yan Feng Chao came with a married man Ze they can get married, her relationship with Hung-Chi Chang ran aground, but recently a double into the right.