吴侬软语[wú nóng ruǎn yǔ]
词典the Suzhou soft dialect:吴侬软语。
词典soft words [speech]
1. 吴侬软语什么意思
1. 然而,同为世界文化遗产的艺圃却鲜为人知,即使是操着标准吴侬软语的本地人也很少问津。
However, as one of the World Cultural Heritages, the Garden of Cultivation is known to much less people. Even those local people who speak Suzhou dialect fluently rarely visit it.
2. 源远流长的吴文化,滋润着这方古老灵秀的水土,阿婆茶、斜襟衫,还有吴侬软语,让人品不尽、看不够、道不完
The long Wu Culture nurses the old and bright soil. Grandmother Tea, Coat with Catercorner Front and Soft Jiangsu Dialect make people can't help but taste, see and say.
3. 耳机里是最喜欢的杰伦的吴侬软语。
The headphones are the most favorite Jay Wu-ning soft language.
4. 美人儿的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。
The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty.
5. 桌上陈列着各色茶点,可以随意地去取;细声细语的服务生向你推荐新到的绿茶;隔着轻纱幔帐,隐约传来邻桌女子的吴侬软语。
Beyond the soft and thin curtain comes a soft voice of a South China girl sitting at a table next to you.
6. 江南水乡长久以来成就了多少文人墨客笔下的飞扬文采和千古绝唱,或投宿于河边的客栈微醉,或闲坐在深幽的后花园里读书浅吟,抑或穿行在阡陌的街道细听吴侬软语轻唱。
These are familiar scenes depicted in minute details in the artistic creations on the topic of Jiang`nan.
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. 传统与现代,古老与时尚,各种文化在这座大都市中碰撞出精彩的火花。她带给我们的不仅仅是吴侬软语的温柔,更是海纳百川的气魄。
Shanghai, where the traditional and the modern, the old and the new collide and sparkle, possesses not only a feminine softness but also a masculine verse.
8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
8. 就算已苍然老去,支撑起梦境的应该是老房子暗灰的安详,吴侬软语的叫卖声,那一方氤氲过温馨和回忆的小弄堂。
Even at desolate aging, what pillars the dream will be the serenity of the grey old house, the Hawking in the Wu soft dialect, and the lanes which record the fragrance and the recollection.
9. 吴侬软语的近义词
9. 有些荷包不足的舞客,攀不上叫尹雪艳的台子,但是他们却去百乐门坐坐,观观尹雪艳的风采,听她讲几句吴侬软语,心里也是舒服的。
She spoke little: at crucial moments she might throw in a few words, ever so pleasant and soothing to the ear, in her Soochow-accented Shanghainese.