

吵吵闹闹[chǎo chǎo nào nào]

词典make a noise(为某事而)吵吵嚷嚷,成为众人谈论或注意的对象,轰动一时;闹。


词典be in a bustle(人)吵吵闹闹的, 乱哄哄的。

词典kick up a cloud of dust故弄玄虚;吵吵闹闹。


词典kick up a shindy [row]

吵吵闹闹 汉英大词典

吵吵闹闹[chǎo chǎo nào nào]

make a noise (about); be in a bustle; kick up a cloud of dust; kick up a shindy [row]; make a scene [great deal of fuss]; raise [make] a hue and cry [hullabaloo]:

  例:外面吵吵闹闹的, 出了什么事?

    There is a great noise outside. What's happened?

吵吵闹闹 网络解释

1. hurly-burly:hodge-podge 五花八门 | hurly-burly 吵吵闹闹 | lovey-dovey 卿卿我我

2. hurly-burly n:hotch-potch n.大杂烩 | hurly-burly n.吵吵闹闹,乱乱哄哄,乱七八糟,骚动 | hurry-scurry vi.匆匆忙忙,赶快

3. danci.911cha.com

3. carry on:all of a sudden 突然 | carry on 吵吵闹闹 | be on fire 着火

4. make a noise:have a talk谈话 | make a noise 吵吵闹闹 | make a living谋生