吹胡子瞪眼睛[chuī hú zi dèng yǎn jing]
词典blow a fuse [a gasket]
词典foam with rage:吹胡子瞪眼睛;七窍生烟。
词典froth at the mouth and glare with rage:吹胡子瞪眼睛。
吹胡子瞪眼睛[chuī hú zi dèng yǎn jing]
(形容声色俱厉) blow a fuse [a gasket]; foam with rage; froth at the mouth and glare with rage; huff; puff and glare; put on a stern expression; snort and stare in anger:
Don't rage at me!
1. 假如公寓的看门人是所罗门王,而他的全部金银财宝都堆放在地下室;每一次吉莫经过他身边,都会掏出自己的金表,只是想看见他嫉妒得吹胡子瞪眼睛。
Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.
2. 吹胡子瞪眼睛
2. 对他吹胡子瞪眼睛是不灵的。
No browbeating him.
3. 如果示巴女王①也住在天井对面的公寓里,总有一天德拉会把头发披散下来,露出窗外晾干,使那女王的珍珠宝贝黔然失色;如果地下室堆满金银财宝,所罗门王又是守门人的话,每当吉姆路过那儿,准会摸出金表,好让那所罗门王忌妒得吹胡子瞪眼睛。
Had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty`s jewels and gifts.
4. 吹胡子瞪眼睛在线翻译
4. 现在,詹姆斯·迪林厄姆·杨夫妇俩各有一件特别引以自豪的东西一件是吉姆的金表,是他祖父传给父亲,父亲又传给他的传家宝;另一件则是德拉的秀发如果示巴女王①也住在天井对面的公寓里,总有一天德拉会把头发披散下来,露出窗外晾干,使那女王的珍珠宝贝黔然失色;如果地下室堆满金银财宝所罗门王又是守门人的话,每当吉姆路过那儿,准会摸出金表,好让那所罗门王忌妒得吹胡子瞪眼睛
Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's. The other was Della's hair. Had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.
5. 不要对我吹胡子瞪眼睛!
Don't rage at me!