


词典feel it a great relief to告慰。

告慰 双语例句

1. 你起居康吉,在向我欣欣告慰
    Of thy fair health, recounting it to me

2. 那一年的12月2日,作为对这位在香港从事30年武术教育生涯以及建立一整套咏春拳训练体系的大师的告慰,咏春拳终于传遍全世界。
    As a fitting obituary for the man, within the three decades of his career in Hong Kong, he established a training system for Wing Chun that eventually spread across the world.

3. 告慰那些谋求和平安全的人——我们支持你们。
    To those who seek peace and security —— we support you.

4. 告慰是什么意思

4. 总想一篇文章来告慰我的灵魂。
    Always want to write a article to sue the comfort my soul.

5. 告慰

5. 总统布什告慰人民每一个人的牺牲都是国家的损失,都还会被忘记。
    President Bush is reminding the nation that each life lost is a sacrifice not made in vain.

6. 你眼中的痛苦让我的心都碎了,什么也不要问,什么也不要想了,告慰你父亲最好的方法是我们的平安特别是你的,殿下
    The best way to soothe your father's spirit is to make sure that we both are safe, especially you.

7. 告慰的反义词

7. 我不想在这里留下一段自白,只是记录下自己的心理变迁,来告慰所有关心我的人。
    I just want to record the psychic transition that I am experiencing and tell it to those people who care about me.

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8. 果真如此,我会告慰上苍-----上帝-----我的导师;我履行了我的职责。
    God, that I may do my part.

9. 让我们行动起来,在家庭做孝顺父母、关怀他人的美德少年,在学校做团结友爱、创新进取的新同学;在社区我们做讲究文明、保护环境的好公民,以实际行动呼唤祖国美好的明天,告慰烈士的忠魂。
    Let us swing into action to make filial at home parents, care to others the virtues of youth, at school make solidarity, innovation and enterprising new Student; to do in the community about our civilization, the good citizens protect the environment and take practical action to call for a bright future homeland, consolable martyrs Here.

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10. 第二次高考,我以大学录取通知书作为奠礼,告慰了父亲的在天之灵。
    After my second exam, I sacrificed my father with my admission notice letter of the university.

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11. 哀绵的雨丝,鲜艳的花环,一抔黄土,几叠纸钱,寄托我们的哀思,告慰你您们的亡灵。
      Ai Min's rain, bright wreath, with a handful of loess, stacks of paper money in the hands of our grief, to comfort you, your dead.

12. 收藏,是对文化的尊重,对传统的告慰
      It is a respect for culture and acknowledgement of tradition.

13. 告慰的解释

13. 用茶祭神祀祖,祭天谢地,告慰神灵,期望得到神灵保佑,在民间形成风俗。
      It had formed a custom in folk taking fete with tea for worship gods, heavens and ancestors, and impetrating bless.

14. 安慰函;告慰信由会计师发出
      Comfort letter?

15. 并且光是这些组织的会长们代表他们的成员出面发表些告慰受胁科学家人心的话是不够的!
      And it will not be enough for the chairmen and chairwomen of these organizations to utter placatory statements on behalf of all their members.

16. 在我今晚离开之前,我会将这个发现告慰Rob的在天之灵。
      A discovery I am going to communicate to Rob before I go off tonight.

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17. 为消除此不良风气并打破现代西方货币政策理论一统天下之局面,特撰写本文以望起到抛砖引玉之用,而告慰后来者。
      In order to dispel this bad common practice and break away from this situation that the modern western monetary policy theory unifies the whole world, I write this paper to make it attract a collection of jade by casting a brick and to comfort latecomers specially.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 用更好的“活着”告慰亲人,要有更大的勇气和智慧。
      Better use of the " alive " comfort their loved ones, to have GREater courage and wisdom.

19. 哭出来,死者得到告慰,生者心里也好受多了。
      Crying out to be comfort the deceased, the living heart, or by more.

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20. 这位心理学毕业生关于马加爵事件研究论文最终安抚和告慰了所有死者的灵魂与现世的人们。
      In the final, his Graduation thesis about the murderer comforts and rewards the soul of the deceased and the predecessors.