告贷无门[gào dài wú mén]
词典have no means to borrow money:借贷无门。
词典nowhere to borrow money:告贷无门。
词典nowhere to turn for loans [help]
词典no place to borrow money from:告贷无门。
告贷无门[gào dài wú mén]
have no means to borrow money; nowhere to borrow money; nowhere to turn for loans [help]; no place to borrow money from; There is nowhere the money can be borrowed from.
1. 据一位不愿透露姓名的房地产业内人士称,目前京城房地产项目融资的资金成本最高可达30%,既便如此,不少开发商仍是告贷无门。
According to a real estate industry is unwilling to disclose his name, said that the capital cost of capital in real estate project financing up to 30% and even then, many developers are still poor shall have nowhere.
2. 可谓旗开失利,第一次下海就遭失败,告贷无门,又受到被人赶出住宅的威胁。
Nana was sleeping on her face, hugging in her bare arms a pillow in which she was burying cheeks grown pale in sleep.
3. 彼时恰巧月底告贷无门,筒子楼里的弟兄们正忙着互相借钱并殷殷盼着下月5号幸福的发薪日子。
Because it was the end of the month and there was nowhere to borrow from, all our colleagues in the apartment building were trying to borrow from each other and looking eagerly forward to happy pay day on the fifth of the month).