

呼之欲出[hū zhī yù chū]

词典seem ready to come out at one's call呼之欲出。

词典almost certain几乎必然;呼之欲出。

词典be vividly portrayed呼之欲出。



呼之欲出 汉英大词典

呼之欲出[hū zhī yù chū]

seem ready to come out at one's call (said of lifelike figures in pictures or characters in novels); almost certain; be vividly portrayed; obvious

呼之欲出 网络解释

1. be vividly portrayed:13、consignment 委托, 寄销, 寄销品 consignment sale of books | 15、呼之欲出 be vividly portrayed | 16、瘦肉精 Brown Meat Essence

2. 呼之欲出是什么意思

2. And it's hanging on your tongue:The truth is hiding in your eyes 真相就藏在你眼中 | And it's hanging on your tongue 呼之欲出 | Just boiling in my blood 我愤恨难忍