

咂咂 双语例句

1. 咂咂什么意思

1. 蛋糕一切开,孩子们就垂涎三尺了。
    Lick one's lips 咂咂嘴 The children licked their lips as the cake was cut.

2. 咂咂是什么意思

2. 女儿咂咂嘴,不耐烦地等待着,纳闷父亲在做什么。
    The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.

3. 她咂咂嘴唇来掩饰自己一时的难堪。
    She took refuge for a moment in licking her lips.

4. 咂咂什么意思

4. 估计在你能咂咂嘴之前就咯屁了
    You'd be fucking dead before you could lick your lips.

5. 咂咂是什么意思

5. 咂咂,我的面部猛然间被亲了一气。
    Out of the blue my face was covered by a series of noisy kisses.

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6. 不到几秒钟,它们就在母狼的腹部咂咂吮吸了起来。
    Within seconds, they were slurping at her belly.

7. 他不满地咂咂嘴。
    He clucks in disapproval

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8. 他尝了一下酒,说了一声“啊!”又咂咂嘴。
    He tasted the wine.'ah!'he said, smacking his lips.

9. 咂咂的反义词

9. 他咂咂舌头。
    He clicked his tongue.

10. 听到他咂咂舌头的声音,她疑惑不解在想:我说错了什么?
    " What have I said wrong now? " She wondered, as she heard he click his tongue.

11. 咂咂在线翻译

11. 雅夏看了,摇摇头,咂咂舌头。
      Yasha shook his head at this and clicked his tongue.

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12. 听到他咂咂舌头的声音,她疑惑不解在想:我说错了什么?
      " What have I said wrong now?" She wondered, as she heard he click his tongue.