

和事老[hé shì lǎo]






词典person who is more concerned with stopping the bickering than settling the issue

和事老 汉英大词典

和事老[hé shì lǎo]

peacemaker; mediator; person who is more concerned with stopping the bickering than settling the issue

和事老 网络解释

1. peacemaker:当电梯来到顶层的时候, 一个和事老(Peacemaker)拦住去路. 杀死他之 后,我顺着走廊转过拐角爬上斜坡,转过房间远 端左侧的拐角,沿着通道来到一个斜坡跟前. 我 爬到斜坡顶端,沿着高檐向前走,然后从高檐上 跳到左侧狭窄通道上.

和事老 双语例句

1. 高曙东一再强调,自己做的并非简单的道歉,更多的是扮演调解矛盾的“和事老”角色。
    Gao emphasizes that what he does is not just simply apologizing for others, but mostly being like a intercessor to alleviate disputes.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 但是他在法庭上称,自己与那组织毫无关系,相反,在暴力事件发生时,自己扮演了和事老的角色。
    But he has told the court he had no connection with the group and, instead, played the role of a peacemaker at a time when violence was breaking out.

3. 每当我的兄弟起争执,姊姊就会当起他们的和事老
    Whenever my brothers argue, my sister bridges the gap between them.

4. 很多人讨厌天秤,说天秤们难以捉摸,变化莫测,最会当和事老
    Many people dislike libra, think that they are hard to know, easy to change, and want to be peacemaker.

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5. 并非意味着我要做和事老
    Doesn't mean I have to play the enabler.

6. 和事老

6. 在这种情况下,你常常扮演和事老
    In such situations you often take the role of peacemaker.

7. 和事老是什么意思

7. 根据虚假的衣钵,和事老,他的华盛顿的男子和西部地区的特使到以色列。
    Under the false mantle of peacemaker, he`s Washington`s man and the West`s envoy to Israel.

8. 他已经尽了他的职务,努力为大局计,在作和事老,不作拨火棒。
    He had done his level best as a mediator, and had taken care not to pour oil on the flames.

9. 和事老的反义词

9. 这些认为北京2008奥运会将会改善中国羞耻的人权纪录的人,毫无疑问的在看待当代中国现实上跟那些20世纪30年代在对待希特勒方面的和事老一样短视。
    Those who believe that Beijing 2008 will improve China's shameful human rights record are surely as myopic to the realities of modern China as the appeasers of the 1930s were towards Hitler.