1. 结果表明,江西民俗体育中的舞龙、赛龙舟和傩舞与图腾崇拜有密切关系,中秋迎龙神求雨,秋醮演地戏、重阳登高与道教又有丝连关系。
The results showed that there are close relationship between totemism and dragon dancing, dragon boat competing, and dancing for getting rid of devil while the Taoism is related to the asking the dragon god for rain at the Mid-Autumn Festival, climbing mountain at Chung Yeung Festival.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 《边城》发表于1934年,小说描写了山城茶峒码头团总的两个儿子天保和傩送与摆渡人的外孙女翠翠的曲折爱情。
Border Town was published in1934, the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain's two sons, Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people's granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love.
3. 摘要在湖北恩施三岔一带,有一种古老的还愿仪式,这种仪式保留了许多巫文化和傩文化因子。
Around Sancha of Enshi in Hubei province, there is an old ceremony for promise fulfillment, which reserves many factors of cultures about Witch and luo.
4. 傩戏和傩舞是当地众多民族用来祈福消灾、休闲娱乐的重要的艺术形式。
Nuo opera and Nuo dance are important form of blessing and entertainment for local people.