

和稀泥[huò xī ní]


词典blur the line between right and wrong和稀泥。


词典reconcile differences regardless of principles和稀泥。

词典settle a difference by way of compromise和稀泥。

词典try to mediate differences at the sacrifice of principle和稀泥。

和稀泥 汉英大词典

和稀泥[huò xī ní]


(比喻无原则地调解或折中) blur the line between right and wrong; reconcile differences regardless of principles; settle a difference by way of compromise; try to mediate differences at the sacrifice of principle; try to smooth things over

和稀泥 网络解释

1. 和稀泥在线翻译

1. blur the line between right and wrong:以平民愤in order to appease public indignation | 和稀泥 blur the line between right and wrong | 扯皮dispute over trifles

2. To blur the line between right and wrong:引起公愤, To provoke popular indignation | 和稀泥, To blur the line between right and wrong | 扯皮, Dispute over trifles

3. 和稀泥在线翻译

3. pacigi (konfiktantojn) je kosto de justeco:和泥 : miksi koton, prepari morteron | 和稀泥: pacigi (konfiktantojn) je kosto de justeco | 活动: aktivado;aktivecoj