

And Qiu;
和邱 双语例句

1. 此卷是由李安鹏华和邱子张晓卿民。
    This volume was compiled by Ang Peng Hwa and Yeo Tiong Min.

2. 和邱什么意思

2. 多年来她和邱淑美姊妹二位从事爱滋病患的关怀工作。
    For years she together with Chyou Shu Mei both ministered to AIDS carriers.

3. 我们在此对林希平主任和邱玮玲会长不断的关心和支持表示衷心的感谢;同时希望哥伦比亚省,亚省和魁北克省的会员们於我们共同协作,分享经验,提供信息。
    We want to send a special thanks to Director General Lin Hsi Ping and Professor Wei Ling Qin for all of their support this year and hope that that the members in BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec will share the experience with us and will provide informational support.

4. 和邱的反义词

4. 其中包括国家实验研究院的赖义雄董事长和邱逢琛主任、成功大学李坤崇教授、高雄市中州国小陈姝嫈校长、高雄市立七贤国中谢东达主任、国立自然科学博物馆赵世民研究员、以及中央研究院欧美研究所研究员宋燕辉教授。
    Chairman of National Applied Research Laboratories, Professor 邱逢琛of National Taiwan University, Professor 李宽崇of National Cheng Kung University, Principal陈姝嫈of Kaohsiung Municipal Zhong Zou Elementary School, Mr.谢东达of Kaohsiung Municipal Chi-Hsien Junior High School, Dr.

5. 当时极优秀的钢琴家李哀斯和邱尼辈都说:除了思想的特异与优美之外,表情中间另有一种异乎寻常的成分。
    At that time, a very good pianist Li Chiu Nepal and Sri Lanka mourning generation that: In addition to the specific ideas and beautiful, otherwise face the middle of a bizarre element.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 小明和邱婷学得一样刻苦。
    Xiao Ming studies as hard as Qiu ting.

7. 案发前,他曾扬言要报复,此情获警方和邱妻的证实。
    Prior to the incident, he has said that he wanted revenge.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 住在尧坝的秀嫂和邱哥是两口子,生下女儿不到三个月去了广东,辗转珠海、东莞打工,没赚到钱,后来回尧坝做油纸伞,邱哥打杂做些下手活。
    Less than three months after the birth of their daughter, they went to Guangdong, and later to Zhuhai and Dongguan, as migrant workers, but did not make much money.

9. 我和几个一起爬过,你知道的,阿邦和邱江。
    I`ve climbed with several, you know like Abon and Paul.

10. 和邱的意思

10. 我和几个一起爬过,你知道的,阿邦和邱江。
    C: I`ve climbed with several, you know like Abon and Paul.