

咎责[jiù zé]


咎责 双语例句

1. 她是火焰,亦是咎责
    She is the flame, and she is the blame.

2. 我们期望那些无效能或贪污腐化的人必须被咎责
    We expect those who are ineffective or corrupt to be held accountable.

3. 如果社会竟让其为数可观的成员长成之后仅是些孩子,没有能力接受就遥远动机所作合理考虑的作用,这种结果是要由社会本身承其咎责的。
    If society lets any considerable number of its members grow up mere children, incapable of being acted on by rational consideration of distant motives, society has itself to blame for the consequences.

4. 三、研究参与者改变经验内涵主要有:「从否认逃避到正视现实」、「从依赖到自主」、「从纠结到分化」、「从咎责父母到自我负责」等四个部分。
    The changes that the participant has experienced are:(1) from denial to facing the truth, (2) from reliance to self-management, (3) from being tangled up to differentiating herself from her family, and (4) from blaming her parents to taking the responsibility for herself.

5. 每个人,我自己也不例外,都必须分担咎责
    Everyone, not excepting myself, must share the blame.