1. 咬手的意思
1. 每当她紧张时就会咬手指头。
2. 在那日,不义者一面咬手一面说:啊!
The Day that the wrong-doer will bite at his hands, he will say, Oh!
3. 咬手什么意思
3. 我曾 经尝试过想要停下来,因为这事使我很厌烦,每当我签名的时候,那些女孩们就会说,你咬手指甲!
I've tried to stop and it's something that bothers me because when I'm signing auto graphs, the girls are like, 'You bite your nails!
4. 咬手
4. 他的一个坏习惯是咬手指甲。
One of his bad habits is biting nails.
5. 咬手的反义词
5. 每当她紧张时就会咬手指头。
She would bite her finger at the moment of nervous/strain.
6. 我很生气,因为某种方式,我们咬手餵食。
I am angry because a certain way that we bite the hand that fed.
7. 两个摔咬手站在一圈叫嚣的旁观者中心,相互打量着对方。
Two wrestlers stood in a circle of shouting onlookers and seized up each other.
8. 咬手
8. 乔治·布什可能会咬手已经给他这么久?
Can George Bush possibly bite the hand that has fed him for so long?
9. 咬手
9. 布鲁斯是一个辉煌的讽刺作家和对象是他的早期作品往往表明企业本身,显然是一个信号,他更愿意咬手是喂养他。
Bruce was a brilliant satirist and the object of his early pieces was quite often show business itself, clearly a signal that he was more than willing to bite the hand that was feeding him.
10. 他有咬手指甲的习惯,但是我认为他长大就不会了。
He has a habit of biting his fingernails, but I think he will grow out of it.
11. 你不剔趾甲,我就不咬手指甲。
I won't bite my nails if you don't pick your toes.
12. 咬手的反义词
12. 我有个坏习惯,爱咬手指甲。
I have a bad habit, I love biting my nails.
13. 这位公主有一个咬手指甲的习惯。
The princess has a habit of biting her fingernails.
14. 咬手什么意思
14. 我妹妹紧张时就忍不住会咬手指甲。
My sister can't help but bite her fingernails when she gets nervous.
15. 咬手在线翻译
15. 她有像咬手指甲的习惯。
She has some cute habits like biting nails.
16. 嚼口香糖、咬手指甲、甚至打坐,可是都没效。
Chewing gum, biting my fingernails and even meditation, but nothing works.
17. 狗儿舐手的行为有多种不同的原因,绝不像人类喜欢咬手指甲般简单。
This may not be a simple issue like fingernail biting in people.
18. danci.911cha.com
18. 有些人会出现类似溃疡或心脏病的严重反应,而另一些人,像我的一个女儿,会咬手指头,这点很像她老爸。
In some it's as severe as ulcers or a heart attack; in others, like one of my daughters (who takes after her dad in this) it's fingernail biting.
19. 当着比利时人的面咬手指头会激怒他们,而日本人认为长时间的目光接触并不礼貌,而且无论情绪如何都用笑来遮掩&他们不容易表示出高兴的情绪。
Belgians take offense at people snapping their fingers while Japanese people consider prolonged eye contact impolite and smile to express a range of emotions-not simply to show happiness.
20. 因此,不要在忧虑的时候咬手指甲了,拿出正确的行动来,这里告诉你几个如何在情人节前找到爱情的小窍门。
It thrills the heart including other organs. So, do not bite yournails worrying, with the appropriate behavior, here are some tipson how to find love before Valentine`s Day.