

哀兵必胜[āi bīng bì shèng]

词典An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win.哀兵必胜。

词典An oppressed army fighting with desperate courage is sure to win.


词典The oppressed will rise to win.哀兵必胜。

哀兵必胜 汉英大词典

哀兵必胜[āi bīng bì shèng]

An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win.; An oppressed army fighting with desperate courage is sure to win.; The oppressed [distressed] will rise to win.

哀兵必胜 网络解释

1. 哀兵必胜的近义词

1. An army burning with righteous indignation is sure to win:有情人终成眷属 Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well. | 哀兵必胜 An army burning with righteous indignation is sure to win | 矮个子里拔将军 choose the best person available

2. An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win:187. Misfortun might be a blessing in disguise.(Nothing so bad, as not be good for anyt... | 188. An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win.哀兵必胜. | 189. Pride goes before a fail.骄...

3. 哀兵必胜

3. an army burning with indignation is bound to win:1.哀兵必胜:an army burning with indignation is bound to win. | 2.哀鸿遍野:famished refugees swarming over the land;disasters victim moaning everywhere. | 3.唉声叹气:moan and groan.

4. 哀兵必胜

4. abbs:abbd 按兵不动 | abbs 哀兵必胜 | abdc 安步当车

哀兵必胜 双语例句

1. 切忌激烈地争论--如果你想理解别人哀兵必胜说的话,那么在别人说话的时候与别人激烈地争论就会成为一大障碍。
    Don't argue mentally----when you are trying to understand other people, it is a handicap to argue with them mentally as they are speaking.

2. 切忌激烈地争论--如果你想理解别人哀兵必胜说的话,那么在别人说话的时候与别人激烈地争论就会成为一大障碍。
    Leave your emotions behind----try to forget your own worries and problems. Leave them outside of the meeting room.

3. 哀兵必胜

3. 切忌激烈地争论--如果你想理解别人哀兵必胜说的话,那么在别人说话的时候与别人激烈地争论就会成为一大障碍。
    Don't argue strongly ----when you are trying to understand other people, it is a handicap to argue with them mentally as they are speaking.

4. 哀兵必胜在线翻译

4. 切忌激烈地争论——如果你想理解别人哀兵必胜说的话,那么在别人说话的时候与别人激烈地争论就会成为一大障碍。
    Don`targue mentally----when you are trying to understand other people, it isa handicap to argue with them mentally as they are speaking.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 虽然网站丰富的内容让我很辛苦地、更多地付出,但是哀兵必胜,被大地震噩耗所激发出的悲情完全控制了我的身心,使我焕发出无限精力和动力。
    Although content-rich website, let me very hard, more pay, but the sorrow of soldiers win, was inspired by news of a major earthquake of Sadness full control of my body and mind, I glow with infinite energy and power.

6. 切忌激烈地争论&如果你想理解别人哀兵必胜说的话,那么在别人说话的时候与别人激烈地争论就会成为一大障碍。
    Don't argue mentally & when you are trying to understand other people, it is a handicap to argue with them mentally as they are speaking.