

哄传[hōng chuán]

词典(of rumours) circulate widely

哄传 汉英大词典

哄传[hōng chuán]


(纷纷传说) (of rumours) circulate widely:


    It was not long before the news was widely circulated.

哄传 双语例句

1. 哄传的反义词

1. 人们在哄传地震的消息。
    People are spreading the news of the earthquake.

2. 中国世俗社会的机制非常奇特,它一方面愿意播扬和哄传一位文化名人的声誉,利用他、榨取他、引诱他,另一方面从本质上却把他视为异类,迟早会排拒他、糟践他、毁灭他。
    China's secular society is very strange mechanism, it is willing to broadcast on the one hand, Yang and哄传the reputation of a celebrity culture, the use of him, squeezing him, lured him, in essence, on the other hand, he considered as strange but, sooner or later, will be excluded He糟践him, destroy him.