


词典firecrackers爆竹,鞭炮( firecracker的名词复数 )。


词典a loud whip响鞭。

响鞭 网络解释

1. 响鞭

1. Claves:74 Long Guiro 长梗笛 | 75 Claves 响鞭 | 76 H i Wood Block 高音木鱼

响鞭 双语例句

1. 年青人将白布褂子脱去,露出了大同人特有的红主腰,红腰带,甩起响鞭,你追我赶,互不相让。
    Guazai white young people will be off to reveal a unique harmony of the main red waist belt and red, from left ring whip, catch up, give way to each other.

2. 他打了一个响鞭
    He snapped his whip.

3. 他就是那个拉动响鞭发号令的是暴徒,是头子。
    He was the tough, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.

4. 湖捕鱼,与其他形式的捕捞、平稳、snappy中风须当作为而不作为snappy一响鞭
    In lake fishing, as with other forms of fishing, a smooth, snappy stroke is required but not as snappy as when snapping a whip.

5. 一个马车夫连车带入被阻塞在人群牛,他紧握缰绳,自始至终没说过一句话,这时一声响鞭,策马驱车,飞驰而去,象科曼契人那样叫喊着,以发泄他心中的情感。
    The driver of a car stalled in the crowd, who had stood through it all speechless, clutching the reins, whipped his horses into a gallop and drove away, yelling like a Comanche, to relieve his feelings.