1. 哑口无声在线翻译
1. 他尽力想说,却仍然哑口无声。
He tried to speak but he was still mute.
2. 10:15 他向我说这些话时,我脸面朝地,哑口无声。
And when he had spoken to me according to these words, I turned my face to the ground and was dumb.
3. 10:15 他向我这样说,我就脸面朝地,哑口无声。
And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb.
4. 做为一个成年人,却这样哑口无声?
Of being an adult and having no voice?
5. 倘若没有书,历史将是一片沉寂,文学将哑口无声,科学将变得残缺不全,思想将停滞不前。
Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
6. 他向我这样说、我就脸面朝地、哑口无声。
While he was saying this to me, I bowed with my face toward the ground and was speechless.
7. 从前有一个最美丽的姑娘名叫安琪拉,与酒红色长发和大的蓝色迷人的眼睛,但可惜她哑口无声。
There was once a most beautiful girl called Angela, with wine red long hair and big blue charming eyes, but what a pity she was dumb.
8. 哑口无声的翻译
8. 那个晚上,安琪拉出生时,这位女巫走,并声称这头可爱的小哑口无声。
The night when Angela was born, the witch came and claimed the cute baby dumb.