1. 哞哞
1. 这些影片展示诸如破碎的花瓶、哞哞叫的牛或者是被弹奏的小提琴。
The clips showed things like the breaking vase, a cow mooing or a violin being played.
2. 哞哞在线翻译
2. 牛蛙的叫声很深沉并能产生回响,这声音类似于母牛的哞哞声,这就是牛蛙名字的来源。
The baritone call of the bullfrog is so deep and resonant, it resembles the mooing of a cow, hence its name.
3. 哞哞的解释
3. 有些跳上跳下,有些只是站在那哞哞叫。
Some will jump up and down, others just stand there and moo.
4. 在这里哞哞叫,和在那里哞哞叫!
And on his farm he had a cow, Ee I Ee I Oh!
5. 哞哞的近义词
5. 在这里哞哞叫,和在那里哞哞叫!
With a moo, moo here, and a moo, moo there.
6. 哞哞
6. 这时他看见远远的,在环形栅栏的弯处,有一个小小的跳动着的身影,向他摆动一件粉黄二色的斗篷,而且发出一种断续的小牛哞哞叫似的声音。
Then far off, round the curve of the circular barrier he sees a small dancing figure waving a pink and yellow cape at him and making a staccato bleating sound.
7. 哞哞
7. 它哞哞叫。
It goes'moo, moo'.
8. 它叫到哞哞。
It goes moo, moo.
9. 哞哞的意思
9. 院子外要是有牛群哞哞地叫着走过,它也要警惕地带着小鸡避到院子边角上去呢。
If a courtyard outside the cattle moo cried through it, it is also vigilant to avoid the courtyard corner with a chick it up.
10. 客厅里挂满了近代画家的作品,有杜佩雷的风景画:长长的芦苇和高大的树木,哞哞叫的奶牛和明朗的天空;有德拉克络画的阿拉伯骑侠:身穿白色的长袍,把着闪闪发光的腰带,戴着铁套的纹章,他们的马用牙齿互相嘶咬,骑在马上的人却在用他们的狼子棒凶猛地格斗;拼杀布郎热的水彩画,色彩极其动人,以致使画家成了诗人的仇敌;有边亚兹的油画,他使他的花比真花还鲜艳,太阳比真的太阳还灿烂;有德冈的图案画,色彩象萨尔瓦多。
They descended to the first floor; albert led his guest into the salon.
11. 牛哞哞地叫,狗汪汪地吠,羊咩咩地喊,马嘶嘶地鸣,鸭子嘎嘎地唤。
The cows lowed it, the dogs whined it, the sheep bleated it, the horses whinnied it, the ducks quacked it.
12. 哞哞的意思
12. 万一周围有险情出现,牛会突然哞哞叫起来。
In case danger lurks and a cow needs to make any sudden…moos.
13. 哞哞的反义词
13. 它是咩咩叫还是哞哞叫?
Does it baa or moo?
14. 哞哞在线翻译
14. 牛群身上的毛尚未完全脱落,就已经开始在草地上哞哞叫;弯腿小羔羊开始在他们咩咩叫着的母亲们身旁活蹦乱跳又开始脱了毛;机灵的孩子们在印着脚印及迅速变干的路面上来回奔跑着;池塘边响起了洗衣农妇们愉快的闲谈声。院子里听得见农夫们制造木犁和耙的斧头声。
The cattle, their winter coats still only gone in patch es(补丁, 补片, 补块, 形容牛身上脱毛尚未完全脱净的斑驳形象), began to low in the meadows. crook-legged lambs began frisk ing about their bleat ing mothers, just losing their wool; nimble-footed children began rushing about the quickly drying paths marked with the imprints of bare feet, the merry voices of women bleach ing linen began chattering by the ponds, and the axes of the peasants getting their wooden plows and harrow s ready began ringing out in the yards.
15. 哞哞的近义词
15. 这些身上被露水打湿、毛皮像丝绸般的牛,跟她熟得很,它们围着她哞哞地叫。
They lowed about her whom they knew, dewsilky cattle.
16. 第一只奶牛叫“哞哞”,第二只奶牛叫“咩咩”。
The first cow said " moo, moo " and the second cow said " baa, baa ".
17. 哞哞是什么意思
17. 长颈鹿可以像牛那样哞哞叫,也可以发出蛇那样的嘶嘶声,会咆哮,也会吹口哨。
Giraffes can moo, hiss, roar, and whistle.
18. 牛哞哞地叫。
The cow moos.
19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
19. 我们可以听到牛棚里的牛在哞哞叫。
We could hear the cows mooing in the cowshed.
20. 哞哞的解释
20. 听到小花牛惊慌的哞哞低鸣,她快步跑出茅屋。
She rushed out of the hut when she heard her dappled cow low in dismay.