1. 唐伯虎
1. 唯一不太好的是唐伯虎在成婚后从太师府偷偷溜走不辞而别,显得不太有面子,不过,这也是他当时最好的选择。
Tang Bohu not only is good as marriage in the House secretly away from saying goodbye, it is unlikely to have a face, but this is his best option at that time.
2. 不可能啊!宁皇他怎么会不认识唐伯虎的画呢?
Impossible! How can Ning be cheated by my drawing?
3. 我终于抢到唐伯虎的墨宝了。
I have got the painting of Tong Pak Fu.
4. 这就是唐伯虎了,一度的风流才子。
And this is Tang Bohu, who was once a very romantic young man.
5. 一时间,涌现无数优秀书法家和画家,知名者如沈周、祝枝山、文征明、唐伯虎等人。他们持当时艺坛月旦评之大权,引领文化潮流。作为一个集体,这些文人形成了中国艺术史上影响久远的一个流派:吴门画派。
Many of the period's greatest minds eschewed civil service in favor of a life of refinement in China`s garden city, where they composed poems, wrote calligraphy, and produced paintings of great subtlety and elegance.
6. danci.911chaxun.com
6. 唐伯虎,我要你立刻挥毫画一幅凤凰傲意图给皇爷欣赏。
Tong Pak Fu, I want you to draw a picture of phoenix for His Majesty.
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7. 唐伯虎,你老婆红唇欲滴面泛桃花,还不快亲她一下?!
Your wife is so pretty, why don't you kiss your bride now?
8. 唐伯虎,你不要忘了当初你说你家境贫寒。
Tong Pak Fu, you said you were poor.
9. 其实上次你画春树秋霜图的时候,我就知道你是唐伯虎了。
In fact, when you draw the picture of Tong, I've known your identity.
10. 唐伯虎的意思
10. 唐伯虎,你救了我们华府上下。
Tong Pak Fu, I have to thank you for saving our family.
11. danci.911cha.com
11. 当然不是了,我跟唐伯虎有不共戴天之仇。
Of course not, Tong Pak Fu is my enemy.
12. 唐伯虎的翻译
12. 你口口声声说你不是唐伯虎。
You said you were not Tong Pak Fu.
13. 爱看唐伯虎的画,王羲之的字,却对李商隐的诗,李清照的词有所挑剔;爱游青山丽水,却对春兰秋菊无动于衷;不会隐如宝玉和黛玉的悲剧不能自拔了,不会痴迷于琼瑶笔下荡气回肠的浪漫故事。
Like to watch and enjoy a display of paintings, Wang Xizhi words, but ignored the Li Shang-yin's poem, the words Li Qingzhao be picky; Love You Aoyama Lishui, but ignored the Chunlan Qiuju indifferent; not hidden, such as the tragedy of Baoyu and Daiyu unable to extricate themselves, I'm not obsessed Qiong Yao's novels soul-stirring romance.
14. 唐伯虎真是可恶,害我白白跳了几天。
Tong Pak Fu is disgusting to make me jump for few days.
15. 唐伯虎
15. 如果你不是唐伯虎,那为什么你有他那么多画呢?
If you were not Tong, Why did you have so many paintings of him?
16. 唐伯虎的近义词
16. 夫人,既然你没有中毒,不如就大事化小放了唐伯虎吧。
Madam, since you are not poisoned, why not set Tong free?
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17. 唐伯虎,你该满意了吧?有什么话说吗?
Are you satisfied? What else do you want to talk?
18. 你以为我不知道,你一定认识唐伯虎吧。
I know, you must know Tong Pak Fu.
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19. 冤枉呀!我说过我不是唐伯虎嘛。
I am framed, I am not Tong Pak Fu.
20. 唐伯虎的意思
20. 华府怎么会有唐伯虎的春树秋霜图呢?
How can we have the'Spring and Autumn'drawn by Tong Pak Fu?