




喜乐 双语例句

1. 喜乐的反义词

1. 会有巨大的喜乐,因为人们都有属天的内见力,灵魂会加入到下来迎接他的天使中。
    There would be a great rejoicing, because they all had insight into the heavenly realm, and the spirit would join with the angels that came down to meet it.

2. 喜乐在线翻译

2. 我感谢上帝,无论处在什么景况,我都能知足和满有喜乐
    I thank God for giving me the abilities to be content and to rejoice in whatever circumstances.

3. 喜乐的意思

3. 我们在主里面的这些平安和喜乐,是要放弃一些世界的观念,世界的价值,才能够得到的。
    In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

4. 喜乐

4. 我愿为我的孩子从这些书中得到教育和智慧喜乐
    I wanted to joy in the academic accomplishments and the smartness of my children.

5. 喜乐什么意思

5. 靠著由神而来的力量、平安和喜乐,学习把自己、家庭和癌症组完全顺服的放在主手中。
    With the strength, peace and joy from God I leant to submit myself, my family, and the Cancer Group into His hands.

6. 喜乐的意思

6. 有一天我放下以劳动寻找生命真谛的行为而走进网络以文字诉说成长历程的伤痛与那额上沟壑的辉煌,看,那些欢乐喜跃的花花草草如痴如醉地在网上编织着各种悲欢离合的喜乐忧伤,潇洒地看着他们在搅动舞台上那迷离闪烁的灯光而尽情歌唱,。
    One day I put to work to find the true meaning of the acts of life into the network to a text about growing up that amount of pain and glory of the gully to see that those who jump the花花草草hi joy joy to weave the web of the The joy of sorrow悲欢离合, cool to see them in the stir that blurred flashing stage lights and enjoy singing.

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7. 你现在尚未得到它们,因为你的心丝毫没有受过训练,你根本分辨不出喜乐与哀伤,快感与痛苦,爱与恐惧的不同。
    You do not have them now, because your mind is totally undisciplined, and you cannot disting between joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, love and fear.

8. 得到喜乐只有一条路,这就是毫不懈怠地尽自己的本份;心里并未想到喜乐,可是喜乐却能不求而自至。
    And Alexander MacLaren said, To pursue joy is to lose it.

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9. 主耶稣啊,愿我今天能借着你进入神的安息,因着你而得着真正的喜乐
    Here is a hymn for us for today. Jesus I am resting, restingIn the joy of what thou art.

10. 恶人夸胜是暂时的,假冒为善人的喜乐不过转眼之间吗?
    That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?

11. 喜乐的意思

11. 但他拥有内在心灵的漂亮和喜乐
      But the beauty that he has immanent heart and happy event are happy.

12. 我们有许多许多年轻人神圣的用他们的生命来帮助最穷苦的人,以此来服侍上帝-把他们所有的都给上帝-借着他们的工作上帝给了世界奇妙的礼物,富人和穷人相互认识,彼此相爱,并且通过把他们的爱、他们对爱的理解放进行动中来分享生活的喜乐
      We have many, many young people who consecrated their lives to serve Christ in the poorest of the poor – to give their all to him – and it has been a wonderful gift of God to the whole world that through this work, the rich and the poor have come to know each other, to love each other and to share the joy of living by putting their love, their understanding love, into living action.

13. 靠耶和华而得的喜乐,是你们的力量。
      And that is why he said, in Nehemiah 8:10

14. 你们不要忧愁、因靠耶和华而得的喜乐是你们的力量。
      Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

15. 喜乐

15. 这是与我们的观念相反,对神话语的顺服是得著喜乐的途径!
      Contrary to our thinking, obedience to God`s instruction is the way to happiness!

16. 你们不要忧愁,因靠耶和华而得的喜乐是你们的力量。
      Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

17. 神而来的喜乐,和罪得赦免的喜乐
      Overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord... and thejoy of forgiveness.

18. 49:25 我所喜乐可称赞的城,为何被撇弃了呢。
      How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy!

19. 耶49:25 我所喜乐可称赞的城、为何被撇弃了呢。
      How the city of praise has not been deserted, The town of My joy!

20. 这样的气氛,真是令人感到轻安喜乐
      Such atmosphere was so joyful and peaceful.