

喜神 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 第六章艺术教育类版画则介绍了《梅花喜神谱》、《竹谱》、《顾氏画谱》、《十竹斋书画谱》、《画薮》、《芥子园画传》,分述了画谱、名画和画法教授。
    The chapter six discusses the instruction of different drawing including 《Mei Hua Xi Shen Pu》、《Zhu Pu》、《Gu Shi Hua Pu》、《Shi Zhu Zhai Shu Hua Pu》、《Hua Shu》、《Jie Zi Yuan Hua Zhuan》and so on.

2. 福星、禄星、寿星、喜神、财神,民间统称为五福,分别代表了人们对幸福、权力、长寿、喜庆、财产五个方面的人生希望,它以朴素而直白的艺术语言,表达百姓对生命的关注,对美满生活的向往。
    Fu, lu stars, star, like god, god, folk referred to as wufu, representing the people to happiness, power, longevity, festival, property in five aspects, it is to hope of life and the artistic language plain white people to express concern for life, happy life.

3. 又可以再细分为居家、吉祥、兴业、辟邪消灾几类,如灶王、场神、仓官、鲁班、药王、喜神、门君等。
    They can be subdivided into the categories of house keeping, auspiciousness, business thriving, and exorcising evil spirits and averting calamities, for example, the Kitchen God, the Threshing Ground God, the Barn Official, Lu Ban (legendary master carpenter of the Spring and Autumn Period), the King of Medicine, the Goddess of Happiness, and the Door God.

4. 喜神

4. 人心不可一日无喜神
    Man's heart is not without joy even for one day.