1. 那波涛样的遍野梅呀,迎着春风摇晃,招来了一群群喧喧哗哗的蜜蜂和彩蝶,谱写粗一曲如诗似梦的田野乐章
That kind of waves everywhere you Mei, despite shaking the spring breeze, the group attracted a group of noisy hubbub of sound bees and butterflies, a rough write poetically dream of a field movement...
2. 狭窄的酒吧里喧喧嚷嚷,挤得满满的。我们挤过人堆,来到大厅入口处。
We squeezed through the narrow, chattering, jam-packed bar to the entrance of the big room.
3. 面对白人日渐冷漠甚至敌意的态度,虽然黑人团体喧喧嚷嚷,其领导人的声音则相对地沉寂下去。
While the black community is far from silent, its leaders have sounded comparatively subdued in the face of growing white indifference or hostility.
4. 喧喧的近义词
4. Mrs。Hutchinson 到来后,大家都喧喧嚷嚷地回到了各自的位置,轻柔的笑声充斥着人群。
Joe? and soft laughter ran through the crowd as the people stirred back into position after Mrs. Hutchinson's arrival.
5. 外面车马喧喧,人声嚷嚷。
Din din outside, traveling, voice shouted.
6. 却 假装若无其事穿过半个城市只想看你样子这一刻最重要的事是属於你最小的事世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹什麼是真实
I'm so glad to be yours You're a class of your own and Ooh little cutie, when you talk to me I swear the whole...
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. 世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹什麼是真实为你跌跌撞撞傻傻笑笑买一杯果汁。。。
When you breathe, I wanna be the air for you I'll be there for you I'd live and I'd die for you...
8. 喧喧在线翻译
8. 忙忙碌碌转呀转,盲盲目目从早到晚,喧喧闹闹是与非,伤痕累累学会谦卑。
Busy switch ya turn, blind blind head morning till night, a show of bustling downtown is wrong, scars learn humility.