

嗣君[sì jūn]


嗣君 双语例句

1. 宋钦宗实录》是宋代比较特殊的一部实录。一般而言,末代君主例无实录,但宋钦宗只是北宋末帝,偏安临安的南宋政权仍然是赵宋王朝的延续,又使这位不幸的君王多少又有点幸运———仍有赵姓嗣君为之树碑立传。
    This paper noted that the book was written during December 2 year to in April 4 year of Emperor Songxiaozong's Qiandao, last for one year and five months, and its main author is the famous scholars Hongmai, through a Research on SONGQINZONG SHILU written process and its writers.

2. 这还了得,这不等于说这位嗣君是篡位的假皇帝了吗?
    It also amazing that this does not mean that he is a usurper嗣君false emperor it?