1. 黑夜是无情的,月亮就是这无情世界的见证,人间有多少发生在黑暗里的丑恶,夜夜噬嗑著人们的心灵?
The dark night is without mercy and the moon is the witness to this merciless world. How much ugliness takes place in the dark, night by night nibbling away man`s soul?
2. 噬嗑的翻译
2. 关于《周易》领导思想,我从指挥和协调两个方面来进行提炼,就指挥思想而言,主要借鉴《师》卦、《噬嗑》卦,总结出所蕴含的统一指挥、纪律严明、果决谨慎的思想,而就协调而言,我主要借鉴《同人》、《比》卦总结出领导者在协调时要具有求同存异、虚怀若谷,消除派系的素质。
In regard to directing, the author concluded the ideas of directing in unison, strictly disciplined and being decisive and cautious according to the divinatory symbols of `Shi` and`Shi Ke.