

嚎哭[háo kū]


嚎哭 汉英大词典

嚎哭[háo kū]



    She was wailing for her lost child.

嚎哭 双语例句

1. 互动的展示也展出了土生华人长达12天的婚礼以及他们的葬礼,并以女子在葬礼上嚎哭的照片作为背景。
    Interactive displays show an elaborate 12-day wedding and a Peranakan funeral, complete with women wailing in the background.

2. 嚎哭在线翻译

2. 谁会遗弃一个婴儿呢?什么又会给他造成这样的伤痛,让他这般嚎哭呢?
    Who would abandon a baby, or what could be causing it such agony to scream like that?

3. 更有甚者,还经常有人听闻女巫在黑夜中嚎哭,更有人目睹神秘的骑鹿军队。
    If these omens were not worrying enough, a mysterious ghost woman has been seen wailing through the night and strange visions of men riding deer have been seen.

4. 有一天,我们站在羊舍门口,听到我们被卖走的羊犊,在车的行李箱内嚎哭
    One day we were standing by the gate of the goat barn, listening to one of our baby goats being driven away, crying in the trunk of the car.

5. 嚎哭是什么意思

5. 她嚎哭不停,在场的人谁也不知道该怎么办。
    All those who were present did not know what to do.

6. 我要你的余生都在尖叫嚎哭中度过,为什么在飞机上的不是我!
    I want you to spend the rest of your life screaming, 'it should've been me on that plane!

7. 这里所有的人都说同样的话,然后我又听到成千上万的人嚎哭,说那些相同的话。
    Everybody here says the same thing, and then I heard thousands of people crying, saying those same words.

8. 她没有任何事可做了,只有倒在床上嚎哭
    There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the bed and cry.

9. 船上的每个人都叫喊,嚎哭,乱跑或者向上帝祷告。。。。。。
    Everybody in the ship is shouting, crying, running or praying to God...

10. 嚎哭的翻译

10. 被嚎哭的婴儿折腾的精疲力尽的妈妈;太劳累了不想吃。
    Tired mothers with crying babies; too tired to eat.

11. 我不清楚在林中空地上,我听过金鸡报晓没有,我觉得养一只小公鸡很有道理,只是把它当作鸣禽看待,为了听它的音乐公鸡从前是印第安野鸡,它的音乐确是所有禽帼之中最了不起的,如果能不把它们变为家禽而加以驯化的话,它的音乐可以立刻成为我们的森林中最著名的音乐,胜过鹅的叫声,猫头鹰的嚎哭;然后,你再想想老母鸡,在她们的夫君停下了号角声之后,她们的噪聒填满了停顿的时刻!
      I am not sure that I ever heard the sound of cock-crowing from my clearing, and I thought that it might be worth the while to keep a cockerel for his music merely, as a singing bird. The note of this once wild Indian pheasant is certainly the most remarkable of any bird's, and if they could be naturalized without being domesticated, it would soon become the most famous sound in our woods, surpassing the clangor of the goose and the hooting of the owl; and then imagine the cackling of the hens to fill the pauses when their lords'clarions rested!

12. 她抱着同百里茜抱着一样,他还是那么大声嚎哭
      He yelled just as loudly when she held him as when Prissy did.

13. 这小孩拼命嚎哭
      The child howled horribly.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 暂时失去行为控制能力并伴随着呼叫、尖叫和嚎哭等。
      Temporary loss of behavioral control with dramatic shouting, screaming, crying etc.

15. 他执着于自己追求,并表现出一种深深的投入与着迷,而每当这种时候他就凝视前方,但却没有敌意,他希望通过这“甚至能让嚎哭的狼陷入沉寂之中”。
      There was a deep, obsessive seriousness in him, underlined by a disarming stare, which, he hoped, would " yet reduce even the howling wolves to silence ".

16. 嚎哭在线翻译

16. 我要你的余生都在尖叫嚎哭中度过。
      I want you to spendthe rest of your life screaming.

17. 嚎哭的反义词

17. 她因失去孩子而嚎哭
      She was wailing for her lost child.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 那个在地上已经被吓傻的人开始嚎哭
      The frightened man on the floor started crying.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 他来回摇晃着嚎哭的婴儿,想让他安静。
      He was trying to calm a screaming baby by rocking it back and forth.

20. 他的孩子们不断的嚎哭
      The constant howling of his children.