

因材施教[yīn cái shī jiào]

词典teach students in accordance with their aptitude因材施教。


词典educate someone according to his natural ability因材施教。

词典modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class or case


词典suit the teaching to the ability of the pupils因材施教。

因材施教 汉英大词典

因材施教[yīn cái shī jiào]


teach students in accordance with their aptitude; educate someone according to his natural ability; modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class or case; suit the teaching to the ability of the pupils; teach a person accordin

因材施教 网络解释

1. teach students according to their aptitude:examination-oriented education 应试教育 | teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教 | quality-oriented education 素质教育

2. 因材施教

2. differential treatment:paratroop (复数)伞兵部队 | differential treatment 因材施教 | hydrocarbon extraction 烃类抽提

3. individualized method of instruction; case by case:[印象主义批评]impressionistic criticism | [因材施教]individualized method of instruction; case by case | [<<永乐大典>>]Yong Le Da Dian ; Great Encyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign; The Great

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. education in accordance with individual differences:education for motherhood 母性教育 | education in accordance with individual differences 因材施教 | education of adolescence 青春期教育