


词典encircle and sit团坐。

团坐 双语例句

1. 团坐什么意思

1. 不但在寺院中经常定时背诵,在佛教家庭中亦复如是,而尤家人团坐虔诚聆听。
    This discourse is so highly venerated in tradition that it is regularly recited not only in Buddhist monasteries, but also in Buddhist homes with members of the family sitting round and listening with deep devotion.

2. 除夕之夜,全家团聚,吃过年夜饭,围炉闲聊,辞旧迎新,这是我国普遍存在的除夕守岁的习俗直到今天,我国人民还习惯在除夕之夜守岁,屋外时鸣鞭炮,室内围炉团坐或者看电视,笑语连连。
    The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.