团鱼[tuán yú]
词典soft-shelled turtle:甲鱼,鳖;圆鱼。
团鱼[tuán yú]
soft-shelled turtle
1. 团鱼
1. Soft-shell turtle:herring 鲱鱼 | Soft-shell turtle 甲鱼,鳖,水鱼,团鱼,王八 | chelonian 海龟
2. danci.911cha.com
2. Chinese fresh-water turtle:Chinese fresh-water crab河蟹,中华绒螯蟹 | Chinese fresh-water turtle鳖,中华鳖,甲鱼,团鱼,元鱼 | fresh新鲜的,清凉的
1. 当地人也告诉我说,在刚刚涨水的长江江段或是支流可以钓到各种各样的鱼,但最负盛名的美味——江团鱼却十分罕见,如果能够钓到的话,每条江团鱼的市场售价可以达到500元人民币(合70美元/磅)。
Locals also told me the fishing for various species in the newly flooded sections of the Yangzi River and its tributaries is very good, although stocks of the prized delicacy Yangzi Catfish are now so depleted that a fresh steak sells for up to RMB 500 per cattie (in the range of US$70 per pound) in the market, if you can find it.
2. 团鱼什么意思
2. 红团鱼,太好吃了!
Red Snapper - Very Tasty!
3. 再说白莲仙子眼见雨下得也够了,就急急念咒住雨,返身正遇上天兵天将,白莲仙子知道自己抵挡不住,一狠心变作了一条大河,乌龟和团鱼转身变成两座山,矗立在水中。
Seeing fairies say Bailian enough rain, and on trying to live in the rain incantations, when soldiers are返身days, white fairy could not know that they arrived, one turned into a hard-hearted river, turned turtle and团鱼change into the two mountains, standing in water.