

The order;
圣教序 双语例句

1. 李邕书法源自二王,而以《怀仁集王书圣教序》为主,是王书的忠实继承者,属功力型而不是才气型,守成而创新甚少。
    He was the true successor to Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and he was a skilled rather than gifted calligrapher, so his had more succession than innovation.

2. 这是董其昌所临的三种书帖。怀仁,唐僧人,曾集王羲之行书写成《大唐三藏圣教序》。苏文忠公,即苏轼,諡文忠。米南宫,即米芾。
    There are various methods can be used for different types of people, but the final goal remains the same that is to complete the study.