

圭表[guī biǎo]


词典an ancient Chinese sundial consisting of an elongated dial and one or two gnomons

圭表 汉英大词典

圭表[guī biǎo]

{天} an ancient Chinese sundial consisting of an elongated dial and one or two gnomons

圭表 双语例句

1. 圭表、晷、刻等计时仪器的发明和应用,证明中华民族是个充满智慧的民族。
    The invention and use of the gnomon-and- ruler, sundial, clepsydra and other time-measuring machines is evidence of Chinese wisdom.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 研究中,郭守敬发现按比例推算二十四节气时发生误差的重要原因之一是圭表的表影不长。
    Study, found GuoShouJing 24 solar terms in proportion to the projection error occurs when one of the important reasons are not圭表long shadow of the table.

3. 圭表在线翻译

3. 跟踪齐截搜罗已用行业圭表和缔造商的创议建设的,况且用如今机构里面史册调节过的规则的期间表吗?
    Does the tracking system include specified schedules which have been established using industry standards and manufacturer`s recommendations, and are adjusted using current in-house history?

4. 于是,他把圭表的表高加大到40尺,比旧表增高5倍。
    So he put the table圭表increased to 40 feet high, higher than the old 5 times table.

5. 圭表测影是中国古代天文学中最重要的测量方法之一。
    Measuring the length of gnomon shadow was one of the fundamental astronomical measurements in ancient China.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 圭表、日晷、漏刻等计时仪器的发明和应用,证明中华民族是个充满智慧的民族。
    The invention and use of the gnomon-and-ruler, sundial, clepsydra and other time-measuring machines is evidence of Chinese wisdom.

7. 圭表

7. 圭表是我国最古老的一种计时器,古代典籍《周礼》中就有关于使用土圭的记载,可见圭表的历史相当久远。
    The record of the use of the gnomon-and-ruler in the ancient book The Rites of Zhou confirms the long history of this instrument.

8. 按照《戊申立春考证》记载,刑云路于万历三十五年九月至十二月之间在兰州通过6丈圭表实测晷影,得到了中国传统历法史上最为精确的回归年长度值。
    In contrast to this imagination, however, we showed in the dissertation that the results of shadow measurements reported by Xing Yunlu were surprisingly inaccurate, and there were totally different reasons for him to acquire his length value of tropical year.

9. 把每段时间的影子所在的位置都给记录下来。这样就可以根据圭表上的刻度来计算时间了。
    By recording the positions of the shadow during various time periods, we can create the sundial's surrounding marks to measure time.

10. 圭表是测定二十四节气的主要仪器。
    Determination of 24 solar terms圭表are the main instruments.

11. 短袜尺寸变化的测定从此,人们便通过观测圭表上日影的长短变化来计算时间、测定季节。
      From then on, people were able to measure time and determine seasons based on the position and length of the gnomon's shadow.

12. 对我国宋代测时设备圭表、日晷、浑仪和守时设备漏壶,从它们的结构,读数装置、观测方法等分析其观测误差。
      The structure, reading set and observing methods of the instruments for time measuring and keeping, such as gnomon, sundial, armillary sphere and clepsydra in Song dynasty, have been analysed and their observation errors have been obtained.

13. 太阳的光线透过眼洞窗照射进来,逐渐倾斜的阴影落在圭表上,这些才是使圣叙尔皮斯教堂与众不同之处呀。
      The sun's rays through the oculus, the graduated shadows on the gnomon, this is what makes Saint-Sulpice unique.

14. 圭表在线翻译

14. “圭表标准儿童”指父母用来在他人眼前炫耀,晋升父母在人前职位的好孩子。
      Trophy child refers to a child used to impress other people and enhance the status of the parents.

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15. 圭表是利用太阳射影的长短来判断时间的。
      The gnomon-and-ruler indicates the time by the length of the shadow of stylus in the sun.